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安卓xxile破解 老王app合集. - XYUDI.CN:2021-12-2 · 原文地址: 《安卓xxile破解 老王app合集. 》 发布于2021-12-2 标签:这篇文章木有标签 上一篇 外链网盘php源码 ... php网站在线偷拍照片源码. 相关推荐 雷霆加速器,VPN至尊破解版 任意切换各种线路. 2021-4-27 安卓蓝奏吧v1.0破解版 蓝奏资源要. 2021-12-14 ... Reviews
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Bilingual Apps for Deaf Readers!






隔壁老王的飞刀无限体力版-独木成林:2021-9-14 · 隔壁老王的飞刀无限体力版简介: 《隔壁老王的飞刀》是一款融合了策略、养成、敏捷玩法的怀旧风手游。这款游戏以怀旧风为主题,讲述了一个屌丝青年穿越回自己的幼年时代重新经历人生的逆袭之路。让玩家在欢乐中重新回味自己从年幼到长大成人的旅程。

If you haven’t, download our app for free today on iPad’s App Store here to keep up with our weekly resources beginning on March 23, 2020.




老王加速器app破解版下载_老王加速器破解版(无限时长)下载 ...:2021-4-24 · 游戏窝为您提供老王加速器破解版下载,《老王加速器破解版》的占有内存非常的小,运行的速度非常的快,给更多的用户提供游戏加速,享受更流畅的游戏体验帮助用户解决生活中经常遇到的网络延时卡顿等问题,帮助用户进行快速的加速没这款加速器能够免root运行,提供更好的游戏乐趣。 Great stories invite children into our vast world, encouraging new ways to imagine and then leading them down the path to reading and learning. Our award-winning VL2 Storybook Apps are designed based on research on visual learning and bilingualism. Our apps support literacy development in deaf children. Explore and discover our collection of great stories. We have storybook apps in ASL/English as well as in other languages! Enjoy!

Discover our apps →


For young and emerging Deaf readers, the role of fingerspelling is important. Fingerspelling bridges ASL and English. It provides a rich gateway into ASL’s visual sign phonology for emerging readers and also strengthens children’s decoding of the English text.

Frequent fingerspelling helps children become better readers and facilitates English vocabulary growth. Deaf and hard of hearing readers who are good at fingerspelling are also good readers, and vice versa!

Our storybook apps provide all that, and more. Read on to learn about the design of our apps and our approach in supporting Deaf children’s early language acquisition and development.




Create Your Own Story

Using the VL2 Storybook Creator, you can create your own amazing stories! Ready to learn how?


Join Our Training Sessions

We believe that learning never ends, and you can be part of our mission to enrich the world with more bilingual stories.

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Global Digital Library

The best part about creating new stories is sharing them – help us add to a growing collection of bilingual stories for children all over the world. Want to see the apps that are already in our library?

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Resources For Your Classrooms

老王加速器app破解版下载_老王加速器破解版(无限时长)下载 ...:2021-4-24 · 游戏窝为您提供老王加速器破解版下载,《老王加速器破解版》的占有内存非常的小,运行的速度非常的快,给更多的用户提供游戏加速,享受更流畅的游戏体验帮助用户解决生活中经常遇到的网络延时卡顿等问题,帮助用户进行快速的加速没这款加速器能够免root运行,提供更好的游戏乐趣。

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